M.Y Group is an established business with over 25 years of experience . Our national import and export team efficiently dispatch your freight through our global network by air, sea and land. Whether you're importing or exporting MY Group provides the total door to door logistics solution faster, smarter and better than the competition.
M.Y Group Limited owns and operates the following businesses:
- M.Y Transport Ltd - Heavy haulage
- M.Y Logistics and Customs - Bonded area and Warehouse
- M.Y Truck and Trailer Parts
- M.YCC - Container Storage
- Metromix Concrete- Concrete
- Winstone Aggregates.
M.Y Group is an established business with over 25 years of experience . Our national import and export team efficiently dispatch your freight through our global network by air, sea and land. Whether you're importing or exporting MY Group provides the total door to door logistics solution faster, smarter and better than the competition.
M.Y Group is an established business with over 25 years of experience . Our national import and export team efficiently dispatch your freight through our global network by air, sea and land. Whether you're importing or exporting MY Group provides the total door to door logistics solution faster, smarter and better than the competition
Contact Us
M.Y Group Limited
Phone : +679 3300192
Email :